Our Team

Hundred Paths is a space for parents who believe that their children are already capable, competent, resourceful, resilient, creative, compassionate and insightful.


Hi! I’m Aminah and I’m a mum of two boys.

I’ve always loved the outdoors since I was young. I have fond memories of spending time at the beach as a break from revision and homework. I remember my dad stopping at every other plant on the sidewalk to share with my siblings and me about the benefits of the plants. The connection I formed with plants at a young age has stayed with me. These early connections brought me to nature in my adulthood. 

Before venturing into the Forest School industry, I was in the preschool sector for 13 years. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education. I was a teacher and along the way, I became a principal. I’ve had experience teaching in local and international settings. I had the honour of working in two different Reggio-inspired International schools, where I embraced, learnt and understood the child-led approach. 

I am a passionate believer that play is a crucial part of a child’s life. Children are competent beings. They are creative and insightful beings and more often than not, come up with ideas that adults would not have thought of. Creativity and mastery of a skill takes time and all that children need from us is time and space to explore and develop their ideas. 

I am also a member of Chapter Zero Singapore team as a play and movement advocate. I am excited to meet more like-minded individuals as we work towards building a supportive community for families and children.



Hello! I’m Sabrina and I love new experiences. Experiences to me ignites wonder and curiosity. A satisfying way to approach life in my opinion. I used to think those who had childhood experiences in the wild were lucky. I am now a part of that lucky group and whenever I connect with nature, it’s wild how serene I feel immersed in it. It is my safe space. 

I was a primary teacher of 10 years and have always believed that a child is born whole. Their emotions and feelings matter and it’s our responsibility to understand them. Having an environment where this wholeness is acknowledged and given space makes all the difference in their well-being. I appreciate and  continue my journey with the children in this natural setting, in Forest School. 

I love a good book (fiction and non-fiction), trying new recipes to eat, moving my body and experiencing the world. So if it’s a new experience worth trying, you bet I’d be open to it. I used to play the organ too, but I’m a bit rusty. And I will always have an appreciation for the arts and nature.   

My image of the child is one of wholeness. We meet them where they are and they’re here to show us their journey. Just like the forest, its green beauty has no paths. Although it isn’t easy, they have to make their own paths. Their journey is our teacher too.

Admin Alchemist, Assistant Coach

Hello, I’m 'Atikah. I’m a stay at home mom to a preschooler and two furry kitty cats.

Despite having a background in sales and scheduling, I made a career switch and taught in preschool for 5 years with a Diploma in Early Childhood Education. I learnt about Respectful Parenting and the Forest School approach when I became a mother and has since been a big advocate for these. I strongly believe in the healing power of nature and being outdoors, and unstructured play.

When not outside in a park somewhere with my daughter, I enjoy reading multiple books all at once (especially about play), the warmth of a hot cup of coffee and attempting different sewing projects.

Content Writer

Hello! I’m Maira and I have 3 girls, whom I have and planned to unschool during their precious preschool years.

Unschooling is a philosophical approach to learning that empowers students to choose what they want to learn. In our household, we emphasise learning from real-world experiences and view everything as a teaching moment. From my experience homeschooling my firstborn, I realised that nature provides a stimulating environment for children’s dynamic learning.

Prior to this journey, I used to create preschool to A’level art programmes, taught and trained teachers, at both local and international schools. From this exposure, I attended Early Childhood education training and looked into the different approaches. That was when I understood the importance of focusing the holistic development of a child, before teaching the other fundamentals. This belief system has been established and reaffirmed through my studies as a licensed Brain Gym® Movement Facilitator. Movement is a huge factor in preparing the body to learn.

Being in a natural setting has supported me in my healing journey. My interest in the use of essential oils and learning about holistic living made me appreciate the outdoors even more. Thanks to my outdoorsy husband, he would take the family out to paddle board and spend time in the great outdoors. I enjoy reading but sometimes wish I could set aside more time (and energy) to practise my art, dancing or going to the theatre.

I love children’s process-based art and observing children during my facilitation of sensory play. I advocate for unstructured play, more so in a natural setting to disperse their energy and feed the children's sense of wonder. It is intriguing to notice how competent, creative, curious, confident and intelligent the children are, when we honour the image of a whole child.

Lead Coach

Hello everyone, I am Cheryl.

I come from a background of dance/movement. Movement to me, is a language that we are all in touch with since breathing in our mother’s womb. It gifts me parthways to understand different ways of living, and how to inhabit our place on earth with presence, simplicity, creativity, trust, and love. I am interested in the practice of improvising, moving and witnessing, as well as Body-Mind Centering®.

Movement and nature keep me grounded and whole. Both are places of home that always brings me back to the quiet and fluid space within, and be connected with a greater source of life. So I founded Body Stories in 2021. It is a practice that I share with people from diverse walks of life, for attuning, resting, and learning through movmement in the home of nature (www. unearthing-bodystories.com).

In Forest School, what keeps me rooted is my core value of seeing and honouring every individual as they are. Growing up in a societal system where I experience a lack of listening and respecting the heart truths of others, I want to cultivate enciromenments where people can feel safe and comfortanle neing who they are. I beleive that it is when we are seen, heard and accepted as we are, that we can develop our potentials and grow our true nature. The threads weaving between my movement practice and Forest School practice are the same. It is a joy and blessing to witness children as they are, and regularly be in a space with them to play, learn, move and savour different experiences in wild nature. I am grateful to be walking with Hundred Paths on this journey of connection and self-discovery.


Relief Coach

Hi! My name is ’Azzah. 

I am a mother who believes that we are wholesome beings, in constant need of experiences and connections to grow our different developmental domains. I am a certified preschool educator who believes that positive self directed engagements/ play with little or no facilitation has long term benefits and that it contributes to learning significantly. I am certified in Brain Gym®️ and Neuro Linguistics Programming which I believe, compliments individuals in different aspects of life, growth and development. 

As a mother, I am happy when I get opportunities to explore my hobbies. I  like connecting with nature, cooking and baking, and reading anything that piques my curiosity or interest. 

Children are who we perceive them to be. Like us, they too have boundless potential. How we engage with them, helps them grow into a wholesome adults.


Hi, I’m Syafiqah.

I graduated from SUSS with a bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education, and have worked for both local and international preschools. I believe that children learn and grow best in a safe and positive environment, where they are encouraged to follow their interests.

I seek to always provide the children under my care with a warm, nurturing, and creative environment for them to thrive! I love reflecting on my journey as an educator and am keen to explore different teaching practices and methodologies to eventually fine tune my own teaching style.

I enjoy long walks at the park or by the beach with my loved ones! When my social battery runs out, I love going on solo dates. You’ll probably see me at a cafe with a cup of coffee and a book or journal in hand.

To me, children are capable of directing their own interest and are experts of their own knowledge. As such, I strive to honour the things they choose to explore and create!

Assistant coach


Lead Coach, Social Media Storyteller

Hi, I’m Natasha.

I’m a mum of a 3.5-year-old girl. I came to learn about Forest School in her parenting journey. While initially unfamiliar, respectful parenting and child-led learning made sense in this wild journey of parenting. Forest School has helped me go from being instructional to an observer (with a lot of inner work).

Prior to motherhood, I was in social services focusing on education for 10 years. I worked with lower-income families and teenage girls where I first learned the idea of safe spaces.

I’ve seen how much Forest School has benefited my daughter - she’s more attuned to my body cues and her environment (and acts accordingly), respectful of boundaries, more connected to nature, and seldom falls ill. As a parent, I have learned to hold space for my daughter’s struggles, time to explore and discover, to take risks and all the messy feelings.

Forest School is for every child and every parent.


Assistant coach

Hi, I’m Mariam!

I have been working in the outdoor industry for 5 years. I have facilitated Primary 3, Primary 4 and Secondary 3 camps, teambuilding and trekking with students from universities and corporate companies. The base camps were in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.

The outdoor experiences for primary and secondary school students allowed them to understand themselves better. Outdoor obstacle courses encourage students to reflect on the strategies they use to successfully go through the different stations. My go-to question for students and teachers is, “What do you notice about yourself before and after the camp?” This question creates an opportunity for students to understand and notice their growth and self-worth.

When it comes to playing outdoors, I believe in this, “Let nature in and you’ll see something bright within yourself.” Nature invites you to be present and allows you to notice yourself more than ever. You’ll stay true to yourself.

I’m a licensed Brain Gym®️ facilitator and I’m certified to facilitate classes for adults and children. I’ve conducted programs which promote emotional readiness and readiness to read and write, for children aged 6 to 8 years old. I also hold Islamic storytelling sessions for children aged 5 to 12 years old. 

In my free time, I spend time in nature or walk along park connectors with my children or by myself. I read books such as Balanced and Barefoot, Smart Moves, books on kinesiology, child-led, religious books and books on forest school.

During my free time, I create diamond art, paint and cross stitch. 

Children must be kept as safe as needed, not as safe as possible. We can’t eliminate risks and challenges as they are essential for learning.

Assistant Coach

Hi there! I’m Zara,

I love combining my passion for kids with my love for the outdoors and arts. My solo travels around Asia, especially my three months in India and Nepal, have given me a deep appreciation for different cultures and the beauty of nature.

I have experience in early childhood education for over seven years. I have a diploma in Early Childhood Education Teaching and Care, and I’ve been connecting with children and families since 2009 when I started at a kids’ photography studio.

I believe in the holistic development of children, as the saying goes: “Play with your children for the first seven years of their life, then teach them for the next seven years, then be their friend for the next seven years, (and after).”

When I’m not working, you can find me exploring new places in neighbouring countries, journaling, and charcoal sketching as well as digital painting.

Assistant Coach

Hello everyone! I'm Sakinah, a passionate advocate for self-discovery in nature. I believe in the transformative power of connecting with oneself through the great outdoors. Growing up in Singapore, I've realised that our pockets of nature allow us to find solace, joy, and a deeper understanding of ourselves as Earth's beautiful inhabitants.

My fondest childhood memories include playing in the rain and swimming all day at East Coast Beach. 

Today I relive these memories in nature as the (may I say, favourite) aunty to 10 home educated children, who have been a source of inspiration and joy. The boundless energy, inquisitive minds, and pure love they bring to every adventure have fuelled my desire to create meaningful experiences for young ones beyond my immediate family. What started as a passion has now become a fulfilling vocation, enabling me to share the transformative power of nature with the community’s children.

While studying abroad, I've witnessed, experienced and lived in communities that prioritise internal and external connections. I understand the power of building strong bonds with ourselves and others. By spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness, and immersing ourselves in our surroundings, we nourish our souls and connect more meaningfully to each other, building a better world for everyone.

Lastly, I believe in children's incredible capability when given a safe space to play in unstructured environments, allowing them to lead their learning. 
I am proud to be part of a team that honours this.

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