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Moving Towards Natural Learning: The Crucial Role of Adults in Child-Led Education

Our co-founder, Ms Sabrina, conducting a safety tool talk to one of our learners.

Maria Montessori asserted that "Play is the work of children."

So, how do we, as adults, feel about their work? Are we the collaborator, mentor, guide, or overseer? Where do we stand in their work? A child's right to self-chosen and self-directed play is violated when an adult directs, controls, or takes over their play. Children lose the value of the experience when they are unable to explore freely. It's common knowledge that children absorb everything around them like sponges, and that adults have a significant influence on how they learn and grow. However, how do we ensure that we play our part without devaluing the child’s self-directed play?

In a child-led setting, adults play essential roles in supporting and facilitating a child's learning and development. Here are some key roles we can play as adults:


An observer keeps a keen eye on the little ones, tuning into their interests, preferences, inclinations and be mindful of their developmental stages. We also need to observe the space if it is conducive. Through observation, we can come up with better ways to arrange the space or tailor and modify activities to meet their specific requirements, of which it supports the role of the next point.


A facilitator in a learning or developmental context sets up an atmosphere that promotes inquiry and learning. The role is to orchestrate a symphony of learning experiences, providing easy access to the tools and support for children to chart their own educational odysseys.


When help is needed, children can seek our direction and support. As guides, we support the children by navigating challenges when they encounter difficulties or are learning new abilities. We empower them by fostering a spirit of curiosity and independence.

Resource Provider:

We ensure children have the access to a variety of learning resources, materials, and tools. As a resource provider, we are not just handing out materials – we’re igniting sparks of creativity and curiosity in young minds by curating a treasure trove of endless possibilities. We extend their learning, giving them opportunities for deeper explorations.

Safety Monitor:

In addition to preserving our children’s physical well-being, a safety monitor helps them develop a sense of security and empowerment. We establish a secure environment where our little ones may develop, learn, and explore without fear. A Safety Monitor fosters an environment where curiosity has no boundaries and where each youngster feels safe enough to go deep into their learning adventures.


Documenters are the record-keepers, jotting down the children’s progress, interests, and achievements. This helps us understand their individual needs and plan future activities. As a documenter, we are not just recording – we are weaving a tapestry of precious moments and discoveries for young learners. This role captures the magic of the children’s experiences, preserving their unique journey of growth and exploration. By immortalizing their adventures and insights, we keep memories that celebrate their individuality and achievements.


Connectors are the bridge builders. Besides weaving positive relationships between children and encourage collaboration, we link the understanding of the young mind to the broader world.  Our role is to forge pathways of communication and cooperation, fostering a community where ideas flow freely and connections flourish. By nurturing a network of support and interaction, we are empowering children to build bridges of empathy and shared learning experiences.


As the curiosity cultivator, we are not just posing open-ended questions to stimulate critical thinking – we are igniting the flames of inquiry, ideas and exploration in young minds. Our role is to spark thought-provoking conversations and inspire a culture of curiosity and critical thinking. By nurturing a space where questions are celebrated and answers are sought, we are empowering children to become fearless seekers of knowledge and understanding.


As a listener, we are not just hearing – you're tuning into the heartbeat of young minds, fostering a space where every voice is valued and heard. Your role is to create a nurturing environment where children feel truly understood and supported. By lending an empathetic ear and validating their experiences, respecting their thoughts, feelings, and perspectives, you're empowering their self-expression and build a foundation of trust and connection.

Reflective Practitioner:

This role goes beyond observation – we are the architect of continuous improvement and learning. By critically examining experiences and embracing a spirit of introspection, we pave the way for enhanced strategies and enriched learning journeys. Our dedication to self-improvement and adaptability empowers us to shape a dynamic and responsive educational landscape, fostering a culture of excellence and innovation through tweaks made for the evolving needs and interests of the children.


Being adaptable and responsive is the cornerstone of success in a child-led environment. By having the ability to modify plans based on children's interests and emerging opportunities, we  fuel a culture of resilience and creativity. Thus, empowering children to navigate a world of endless possibilities with confidence and agility.


Encouragers boost children's confidence and motivation to explore and learn independently. Not only are we offering support – we are igniting the flames of confidence and determination in young minds with positive reinforcement. As a champion of positivity, we cultivate a nurturing atmosphere where every achievement, no matter how small, is celebrated and every setback is met with unwavering encouragement. By fostering a culture of positivity and resilience, we are empowering children to embrace challenges with optimism and tenacity.

Role Model:

The inspiring role of modelling behaviour is exemplifying excellence. As a model of behaviour, we are the beacon of inspiration and guidance in a child-led environment. We play a role that goes beyond simple demonstration since we are the moral fibre and live example of virtues. By showcasing integrity, empathy, and a thirst for knowledge, we set a powerful example for young learners to emulate. Our actions speak volumes, shaping a culture of respect, kindness, and aspiration.


An advocate for children's rights and needs, amplifies the voices and rights of young minds. Not only do we speak up, but we passionately champion for inclusivity, equity, and empowerment, creating a space where every child's potential is recognized and nurtured. By advocating for their needs and aspirations, we are fostering a culture of respect, diversity, and opportunity. We want them to have the autonomy to make choices and express themselves in the learning process.

In all, besides creating opportunities for self-directed learning, we respectfully "hold space" for children by creating a supportive and empathetic environment. It involves being present, emotionally available, and understanding, allowing children to be themselves where they feel safe to express themselves, explore their emotions, and learn without fear of judgment. We do this without immediately trying to solve problems. It allows children to develop a sense of autonomy, emotional intelligence, and self-confidence. After all, children are competent and as what Jess Lair would say, “Children are not things to be moulded, but are people to be unfolded.”

This post was written by our Content Writer, Maira Jamal.